Richard Cyphers
Board President
Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida
October 20, 2024
Dear Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida Members, Families, Alum, and Supporters:
Many of you are aware that GSUSA and the National Board of Directors called a Special 57th National Council Session that was held Saturday, October 19, 2024, to discuss proposals surrounding a membership dues increase to begin in the 2026 membership year.
This was a thoughtful session with varying opinions and justifications. The final decisions were very different than proposed but we believe fair and doable.
You should know that your delegates fought very hard to keep dues flat for adults and no more than $30 for girls. As part of a democratic process, it is up to us to accept the results and use our resources wisely.
After several rounds of arduous discussion and debate from delegates (over 13 hours!) from all 111 Girl Scout Councils, Girl Scouts Oversees, and the National Board of Girl Scouts of the USA, the following amended proposals passed:
The proposal for Girls was to phase membership dues in over a 3-year period with the 2026 Membership Year at $65, 2027 at $77, and in 2028 be at $85. The Proposal for Adults was to go to $45.
Working together with GSUSA, we are committed to providing the best possible programs for our girls to ensure they have a bright future. Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida will continue to ensure all girls can participate without a financial barrier. We will call on our community supporters and businesses to partner with us to help provide needed funds to supplement any shortfall our families may experience.
Over the next several days and weeks, we ask for your patience and understanding as the GSGCF team works to understand the impact of the changes as well. Remember nothing changes until registration for the 2026 membership year.
Thank you for your commitment to girls and families in our communities, and for being an integral part of the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida community. A special thank you to our National Delegates and Alternates, who represented you on this important work. They showed courage and respect for the movement as they fulfilled their responsibilities.
We appreciate your passion for Girl Scouts and together we will Make the World a Better Place.
Yours in Girl Scouts,